Alternate Universe: Harry Potter in Slytherin

Harry Potter – Slytherin: The Philosopher’s Stone

Harry Potter – Slytherin: The Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter – Slytherin: The Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter- Slytherin: The Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter – Slytherin: The Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter – Slytherin: The Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter – Slytherin: The Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter – Slytherin: Time’s Gift

Introduction to:  My Harry Potter Fan Fiction Alternate Universe

I don’t normally like Alternate Universe (AU) stories. However, I had an idea for a significantly different Deathly Hallows story. So, it had to be set in an AU to minimize canon conflicts. 

One common AU is where Harry is sorted into Slytherin. I decided to use that one because I thought it would make the story more entertaining, having all the differences to explore. It also meant I had to explain the first six years of Harry’s time at Hogwarts just to get to the story I wanted to tell. Fortunately, I had fun doing it. The story line diverges from canon more and more each year, which is to be expected. I did make some choices to make the story simpler, but tried to make them fit logically within the AU context. 

I started writing the stories in Oct 2017, and had substantial first drafts finished in May 2018, including a near final draft of Deathly Hallows – the one I really wanted to tell. Then life intervened. I did not resume work until March 2020, and completed all the final drafts in July.

These are novella length retellings of JK Rowling’s seven Harry Potter stories, though Deathly Hallows is twice as long as the others. You can try only reading it, but I think you’ll have too many questions.

Please give my AU universe stories a try.

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